I have found a lot and I thought I would share some with you. I plan to download all these for my own use.
This first one I think I am going to read to the kids as a family read aloud. It sounds really good.
White As Snow : A Christmas Story (Mysterious Ways #1)
This one is one for the moms. I hear it is a tear jerker!
A Christmas Miracle
This book also looks like a great book for ideas!
Printable Pink Peppermint Christmas Decorations
I am such a sucker for fleece crafts.
Simply Fleece
A great book for early readers and young children.
Christmas Puppy
This book looks interesting.
The meaning of Christmas symbols of Jesus birth
I love that this book is illustrated. We will be reading this together as a family.
A Christmas Carol (Illustrated)
What an awesome find! The Queen's Christmas Day speeches all compiled. There is also the 2011 speech out there on Amazon, I found it and it was free too.
The Queen's Christmas Speeches (1952 - 2010)
These look fun!
30 Crazy (But Unique) Home Crafted Christmas Gift Ideas! Easy to Follow Instructions.
We love Mexican food. I am always looking for new recipes.
Mexican Christmas Holiday Recipes
This one looks good. I hope to do some of these and give as gifts.
100 Easy Recipes In Jars
Worried you don't have a Kindle? No worries. Get the free Kindle app on your phone, tablet or on your PC. You can also read these books "in the cloud" without an app at all. As with anything you are purchasing, please check the price of each item prior to checking out. Many of these will only be free for just a short while, so make sure you check prior to purchasing.
Have a great day.
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