Monday, September 25, 2017

One Thousand White Women

Oh my goodness!!!  What an awesome book!!!

One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus was a novel that I bought on a whim at Target a couple years ago.  It said it was a good book club book and I have this romanticised notion of being in a book club and reading great books, discussing these said books with others, and having smart, thoughtful conversation!  Well, this notion has never really come to fruition over the years but I had this book on my bookshelf, sitting there, waiting for me to pick it up and read it.

Well that day came last Thursday afternoon. I was sitting in our study waiting on my husband to do something or another and I grabbed the first book I saw. This was the book.  I opened it and began reading.  And today is Monday.  I spent the better part of the last three days reading this book.  I was so engrossed in it I didn't cook any of the days for my family, nor did I write out assignments for the kids this week.

What makes this novel great?  The premise of the book is intriguing.  It is historical fiction and the history part seems quite sound and well researched. It reads quickly as the main characters writes in such a way that you feel her sense of urgency and fast paced writing.  It makes you want to read it at that speed too.

This evening I was telling my sister about the book and looked up on and lo and behold..... there is a sequel!  And it was just released about two weeks ago!  Yes, I have already put the book in my shopping cart.  It will be on its way here soon.  :)

Have you read this book?  What did you think of it???

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