I altered this mini book that I got at Michaels $1 bins. I pick these little journals up all the time with the intention of doing this or that. So I picked this one up and with the idea from some friends at AMR I altered it to be a place where I can tally what I do creatively for the year. It was a challenge and I stepped up to the plate, which I normally don't do. But this one seemed doable and something I would use. So, I changed it a bit to suit my needs and made 4 sections, one for goals, one for accomplishments, one for ideas, and one for family stuff. This way my ideas and family events or activities won't go forgotten.

I have already stated some of my goals for this year, but I really want to get 365 layouts done this year. It seems doable if I stick with it. So far I am at ZERO but you gotta start somewhere. I will keep you updated as to how many I have done.

(inside cover and first tab)
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