Where we live the forecast was nothing but rain and a bit of flurries that wouldn't amount to much. I didn't do much to prepare, however, I really was already prepared.
The kids got flashlights for Christmas and we bought a huge supply of batteries for them. Firewood was delivered just after Christmas and we still had about a day's worth of firewood should the electricity go out. I had just shopped at the grocery store and we were pretty well stocked, AND I had just purchased a bunch of toilet paper and paper towels at Sam's Club (because we were starting to run low).
We ended up getting 2 inches of snow overnight but by mid-day the roads were clear and safe for travel.
Honestly, we could have been snowed in for days and been okay. It is the electricity thing that concerns me the most. Our only alternate source of heat is the fireplace and we are low on wood. We would have survived about a day maybe a day and a half at most before we would really get chilly here. I need to work on this for the future.